Updated 9.01.25
MMA25 is still in the early stages of exciting developments; the confirmed dates are 8 & 9 October 2025, but there may also be additional activities on 7 & 10 October. Watch this space for more information!
Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any dietary requirements we need to be aware of.
The dress code for the event is business attire / smart casual.
Please note, by providing contact details during registration, you authorise us to
- use these contact details to let you know details of this event, and
- add your contact details to our contact database to let you know about future events that may be of interest.
Please let us know at enquiries@ukmagsoc.org at any time if you do not wish to be contacted in this way. Also, we can remove you from our contact schedule at any point in the future.
We will also be taking photos at the event. If you do not wish to have your photo taken during the event, please contact events@ukmagsoc.org
Sponsor packages are available. They are still an excellent way to promote your organisation!
Note sponsorship does not guarantee a speaking slot.
- Ceramic Sponsor: 2 attendees, Exhibiting space, Logo and link on website
- Ferrite Sponsor: as Ceramic, Logo and link on our marketing material, Listed on our presentations
- Samarium Sponsor: as Ferrite + 3 attendees in total, 1 item of promotional material or USB or advert included in delegate pack and available at Registration, Thanked during session introduction and closing comments, Pop-up banner displayed at Registration
- Neodymium Sponsor: as Samarium + 4 attendees in total, Advert shown during breaks, Logo on delegate badges, Sponsorship of MMA24 Dinner, MMA24 title sponsorship